Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline

What does Citizens Advice do for consumers?

Citizens Advice is a charity that helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems. It offers free, confidential and impartial advice to help consumers understand what their rights are in relation to the law. Citizens Advice has over 3200 locations across England and Wales, with more than 200 offices throughout Scotland. The organisation also provides online services through its website at

The Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline UK was launched on 18th September 2018 by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI). This helpline will provide expert consumer advice for all types of goods or services purchased from traders based within the United Kingdom or who offer delivery into the country - including purchases made online or via mail order catalogues .

This helpline will be available 24 hours a day 365 days per year on 0800 111 6768 (freephone) which can be accessed anywhere in England & Wales; 0844 567 7878 (charged as 01/02 geographic line) which can be accessed anywhere in Scotland; 0906 661 8282 (charged as standard call rate) which can be accessed anywhere else in Great Britain; +44 191 218 2222 (+1-912-218-2222 outside of Great Britain); +353 1 496 2525 (+353 14 96 2525 outside of Ireland); 00800 100 1234 (+00 800 100 1234 outside of Europe).

What does the consumer helpline do?

Citizens Advice is a charity and independent advice service that provides free, confidential and impartial information on consumer rights. The Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline UK offers people the opportunity to speak with an adviser about their legal issue over the phone or by email. They can also offer help if you are not sure which organisation may be able to assist you with your problem. Citizens Advice can provide guidance in areas such as: debt problems; employment law; housing issues (including renting); benefits queries; consumer issues (e.g., faulty goods) and more general enquiries about how laws work for consumers

What does the Citizen's Advice Consumer Helpline do?

The Citizens'Advice Consumer helpline offers people the opportunity to talk through their legal problem over the phone or via email, they can also offer support if someone isn't sure where else they should go for help when it comes to certain matters like debt problems, employment law, housing issues including renting etcetera . They have experts who are trained in different areas of law so that they are able to give accurate advice on what options might be available depending on one's individual circumstances

What is the Citizens Advice service?

Citizens Advice is a charity and independent advice service that gives free, confidential help to people in England and Wales. Citizens Advice provides information on consumer law, housing, employment law and benefits. They also offer alternative dispute resolution services for business disputes such as mediation or adjudication by an expert panel of three people with knowledge of the sector concerned. The Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline UK has been providing this type of service since 1994 when it was set up to provide legal advice over the phone about products bought by consumers from traders based in England or Wales.

The Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline UK offers telephone support Monday-Friday 8am-8pm (excluding bank holidays) on 03454 04 05 06  or online at www.citizensadviceconsumerhelplineuk .org

How can they help you sort out a dispute?

The Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline UK is a service that helps consumers resolve their disputes. They offer free advice on consumer rights, and can give you information about how to go about sorting out your dispute with the trader or company you are dealing with. The Citizen's Advice website also has an online tool called Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which will help you find a way of resolving your complaint outside court. If this doesn't work for you, they can refer your case to Trading Standards Institute who may be able to take it further if there is evidence of fraud or negligence in the supply chain. Universal Credit claimants should contact their Jobcentre Plus office before contacting Citizens Advice as they might be able to provide assistance themselves without needing any input from an external organisation such as Citizens Advice.

How can they help? -

Citizens' advice offers free advice on consumer rights and provides information about how to sort out disputes with traders/companies; alternatively, citizens' advice may refer cases involving fraud or negligence in the supply chain directly onto trading standards institute who could take it further if necessary

Who else can I contact for free legal advice or representation if I don't qualify for statutory funding from CAB services?

Who else can I contact for free legal advice or representation if I don't qualify for statutory funding from CAB services?

The Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline UK is a national service that provides information and advice on consumer rights, as well as help to resolve disputes with traders.

If you are not eligible for the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline UK because of your income level, there are other options available. For example, the Chartered Trading Standards Institute offer guidance on business law issues. The Universal Credit helplines provide assistance with resolving disputes relating to this benefit - they also have an online dispute resolution process which may be quicker than going through a court case.

Do you need to be living in England and Wales to get help from Citizens Advice, Scotland or Northern Ireland respectively?

Citizens Advice is a charity that provides free, confidential and impartial advice to help people resolve their legal, money or other problems. Citizens Advice can provide you with information about your rights and responsibilities as well as practical tips on how to deal with your problem. They also offer services such as debt advice which may be able to help you get back on track financially.

In England and Wales, the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline UK is available for anyone who wants expert consumer law advice from trained advisers in a variety of languages over the phone or online chat service. The helpline does not cover Scotland or Northern Ireland but they have their own versions of this helpline - Scottish Citizens' Advice Bureau (SCAB) and Citizen's Advice NI respectively.

The Chartered Trading Standards Institute offers an alternative dispute resolution service where businesses can take disputes out of court by using mediation instead of going through lengthy litigation processes which could cost them lots more time and money than it would if they went through mediation first before taking things further legally if necessary . This type of process usually only takes around six months so it saves both parties a lot more time than going through long drawn-out court proceedings which could last up to two years!

Dispute resolution services are offered by many different types organizations including charities like CABs who offer free legal support for those facing financial difficulties due to illness, disability or unemployment; private companies offering specialist assistance; public bodies like HMRC; local authorities providing social work support etcetera... There are various ways in which these organisations will try resolving issues ranging from informal negotiation between all parties involved right up until formal arbitration hearings held at courts across England & Wales .

They can be contacted on  03454 04 05 06

Advice on your rights as a consumer when buying goods and services within the UK is now provided by the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline.